Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Walking on Snow Awards- Best of 2005

Is everyone kickin' out the jams for Christmas? Magical good wishes, and here's the rundown- the best of the year-

Best Album- The Mountain Goats The Sunset Tree- Duh, obvious, but it beat off otherwise formidable opposition from Death Cab for Cutie's Plans, which I made ridiculous fun of eariler in the year, and Jandek's magisterial Glasgow Sunday, which tilted the axis of our world. It was a good year for music.

Best Single- Harder, but I'll take this opportunity to bring to world's attention The Pipettes with their mindless It Hurts To See You You Dance So Well. Special menties to Yeti for making the summer sunny with Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder, and Pussycat Dolls' Doncha (and for that matter, let's not be ungrateful to The Sugababes...)

Musical Discovery of the Year- Tilly and the Wall

get it, but I'll be expecting letters from unhappy members of the Casiotone for the Painfully Alone family.

Death of the Year- JPII wins this one, but Mitch Hedberg will feel aggrieved on this (he gets Rock n' Roll death of the year), and Luther Vandross, Sandra Dee and Arthur Miller get honourable mentions.

Best Gig- Belle and Sebastian in London gets night of the year, but for sheer love of life, Bright Eyes in Somerset House in London steps up. Four days after the London bombings, there was a perfect night on The Strand, and the people there still swear time stopped for seconds at a time when he played First Day of My Life.

Best Film- To be honest, I genuinely don't think I've seen a new film this and I'm ashamed- please nominate...

Best Goal- Bellamy at Ibrox? Nakamura v Motherwell? Surely to God wee Maloney, happy, happy wee Maloney wins this one...

Best TV Moment- Has anyone seen Totally Frank? Ahem, I'll say nothing then (episode 10 is the one to check out...). Otherwise, I hope you didn't miss Status Quo bringing the house down on Coronation Street?

Best Random Happiness- One word- Shunsuke?

Fill in your own and argue on the comments!