Saturday, March 18, 2006

...the time of spring (azaleas, triliums,/ Myrtle, viburnums, daffodils, blue phlox)...

I had an uncle who once played
For Red Star Belgrade...

Isn't that a great line? Another thing that made me laugh out loud this week is this- a David Hasselhoff video which turned up on YouTube- utter magic.

Love out- God bless the Irish- I'm not a rugby fan, but that game at Twickenham today had me jumping up and down- fantastic stuff (Shane Horgan's last minute superhuman effort to score a try after a wee moment of genius from Brian O'Driscoll is pictured below).

Bring it on Celtic tomorrow- do it in style, but the main thing is- just do it.

Come. On. You. Boys in green. Come on you boys in green...!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Thank You For The Days...- Jimmy Johnstone 1944-2006 R.I.P.

Just after Jimmy Johnstone was voted the Greatest Ever Celt, he came onto the pitch at halftime at the next Celtic game to get proper acclaim from the people who had voted for him. There was a standing ovation, You'll Never Walk Alone, waving, smiles, congratulations and all the rest.

He started to walk back towards the tunnel, and then something amazing happened. Sensing that there was something more to give, one last moment of noble note on that pitch, he turned amid the applause back to the Jungle, the terracing he had electrified forty years previously with energy and skill as sublime as the game has ever seen, and this tiny little frail man raised his arms once more: the rapture, the swell of love and noise which tumbled from the stands to greet this gesture had to be experienced to be credited.

The following comes from the Celtic website:

'They never die who live on in the hearts they leave behind.’

It’s this message, known to every Celtic supporter as the poignant inscription on John Thomson’s headstone, that Martin O’Neill today offered in tribute to the late, great Jimmy Johnstone.

The respect and admiration Celtic’s former manager had for its greatest ever player pre-dated his arrival in Glasgow, but as he recalled his first meeting with the Lisbon Lions, in which Jinky predictably held court, O’Neill – like so many others - admitted to cherishing his memories of Johnstone the man as dearly as he does those of Johnstone the footballer.

In a tribute penned for the Celtic website earlier today, he wrote: “I was desperately sorry to hear the news of the death of Jimmy Johnstone, one of the greatest footballers the world has ever known. “Jinky, as he was known to everyone, possessed phenomenal ability matched only by the size of his heart.

“I met Jimmy along with the rest of that ‘67 Lisbon Lions team when I first came to Glasgow almost six years ago. As we gathered round the table, it was obvious to me the respect and regard in which he was held by his team-mates.

“He was wonderful company that evening, with a subtle mixture of charm and humility, sometimes teasing everyone in sight, yet at other times deflecting the conversation away from himself and his legendary exploits, and making you feel as if you were his best friend.

"However, you still felt in complete awe of this footballing genius. long as Celtic Football Club breathes, Jimmy Johnstone - voted the greatest player in the club’s history - will live forever.”

Tribute videos and songs (right click, save as to download):

Jimmy Johnstone With Simple Minds- Dirty Old Town (and two other songs- maybe the best video tributes I've found, taken from the Lord of the Wing dvd)

Nice Tribute from Celtic FC Website
You'll Never Walk Alone
Jimmy Johnstone- The Best
Johann Cruyff? Not On Your life! Wee Jinky Beats The Rest What a song:

...They talk of men like Pele,and the great Eusebio,
and even Stanley Matthews,who played so long ago.
He's even aced the Belfast boy,wee George was second best.
Not Johann Cruyff, not on your life- Wee Jinky beats the rest...

And lastly, I thought this was nice on Celticminded today.