Saturday, March 18, 2006

...the time of spring (azaleas, triliums,/ Myrtle, viburnums, daffodils, blue phlox)...

I had an uncle who once played
For Red Star Belgrade...

Isn't that a great line? Another thing that made me laugh out loud this week is this- a David Hasselhoff video which turned up on YouTube- utter magic.

Love out- God bless the Irish- I'm not a rugby fan, but that game at Twickenham today had me jumping up and down- fantastic stuff (Shane Horgan's last minute superhuman effort to score a try after a wee moment of genius from Brian O'Driscoll is pictured below).

Bring it on Celtic tomorrow- do it in style, but the main thing is- just do it.

Come. On. You. Boys in green. Come on you boys in green...!

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