Thursday, June 22, 2006

Let's Go to Babylon...

Oooohhh! Back from the dead- Walking on Snow very nearly petered to a whimpering death, but no, Back once again for the renegade master, with the ill behaviour, the ill behaviour...

I think Lordi's ugly faces took away from the avowed intent of the site- no more ugly people, that's resolution number 1. Here's the beautiful album cover from the beautiful Isobel Campbell:

What else? The World Cup comes to the end of the group stages: what have we learned?
Argentina peak too early;
Ronaldo is two stone overweight;
Steven Gerrard is the only world class player England possess- that is not enough to win a competition (unless you're Diego Maradona);
Henrik Larsson's matchwinning appearance in the Champions' League final was not an anomaly, it turns out he is really good after all;
Germany will win the tournament...

And so on- Martin O'Neill said that if it keeps up, this will be 'THE World Cup of World Cups, and he's right- it has been fantastic, absolutely brilliant, great... Speaking of the great man, check out this tribute to O'Neill on Celtic Minded- those were happy, happy days.

Walking on Snow throws its considerable weight behind the anxious and nervous Italians.

On the musical front- we are LOVING Dirty on Purpose- click here and listen to the really really beautiful song Light Pollution. It's like Teenage Fanclub before they blew it with Bandwagonesque, or My Bloody Valentine with the reverb turned down, and the vocals turned up. A magical record- the first person to post a comment to this article gets a rip of the cd...

Also, music fans everywhere should check out Pitchfork, the tastemaking online indie music magazine in America- click here for their (good) review of Dirty on Purpose. More entertainingly, click here for to see them rip Primal Scream to shreds. The Primals record is indeed one of the worst things any proper band has released- Country Girl, though, almost makes it worthwhile- click here for the fantastic video- and prepare to fall in love with (and be sort of frightened by) the girl...

Ok- nice to be back- summer kisses and summer love to everyone!

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