As always, the melodies in Beck's songs are his weakest area- his lyrics are always interesting though, and I agree the record sounds great- the production is excellent throughout.
I fast forwarded a couple of songs, but on the whole I listened to it, and enjoyed it. I'll give it a 6 (very high for me, for any Beck album apart from Sea Change). Good work.
And here's some more Casiotone live at Tuts:
I was going to say that his new album sounded like a cross between Jandek and the Mountain Goats, but realised that was stretching things just a bit too far.
Real wild!
Actually, I think it sounds like a cross between the Beta Band and Bruce Hornsby and the Range.
Also, I watched El Classico last night. What has happened to Barcelona? Are Marquez and Eto that important that their omission makes them look like a team or acrobatic dwarves? Seriously - average height = 5ft 5 (maybe)
Still, it was a really enjoyable game. Great defending from real (yes, Real) and Van Nistlerooy looks that part in all white in a way Owen never did. For those poor parochial fools who believe that the Old Firm playing each other 6 times a year = worlds biggest club game, as yourself this, do you thing that after an Old Firm Game, there are Catalans / Spaniards on Barca / Real message boards saying things like, "what about that amazing 10 yard sideway pass from Barry Ferguson"
Still no baby news. Laura was at Hospital again today and we have been told to expect baby with 24 hrs.
Waiting (da da da)
Waiting (da da da)
Waiting (da da da)
Waiting for you to (da da)
Come along...
More later
I missed the Barca game, and will not rise to the bait of talking down the Celtic game- except to say (I know, I know) nobody ever said it was the biggest, only the most intense... I'll say this, though- Barca were pretty shaky in many of their big Euorpean games last year that I saw- they were obviously overrated, and then to lose the dig of Larsson when you really need it clearly hurt them more than people would have imagined.
The Beck thing will probably grow on me, I was thinking today- I'll update my review accordingly. By the way, Johnny, you should check out the new Say Hi To Your Mom album- sort of like a cross between Beck doing the Velvet Underground's Sunday Morning and Morrissey playing eight new songs in a row.
Looking forward to the grand announcement from the Murrays- surely imminent now...
Well done on avoiding Barca / Real bait.
You have passed the test.
All that matter is what means most to you personally and this “biggest game in the world” guff is symptomatic of the way we seem to increasingly general judge ourselves through polls and ratings.
Christ, I know I am one of the worst for it, but does it really matter if your favourite album doesn’t make the top 100 best 100 album’s ever (Where WAS Tim Burgess’s “I Believe?”)
Seriously, I would rather watch CFC v Falkirk than Barca V Real. As Bruce Lee pointed out in Enter the Dragon, “We need emotional content”
Michael Jackson has won over 240 awards in his life. That’s probably 240 more than “Say hi to your mom”?… Does that make him intrinsically better? No, but it is probably a sign worth heeding!
Ok, Crap example., but you hopefully get my point.
And lastly, I finally got round to buying a Roxy Music Album. The brilliantly named, “The Best of Roxy Music”. At least 6 great songs on it. I didn’t realise that they were quite so close in sound to Bowie and they have a few great tunes. Virginia Plain and Pyjamarama are both great tracks.
Next Stop… St Petersburg!
p.s. baby still not for moving. News expected in 24 hrs (again)
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