We are SO proud of those boys tonight- to step out there and do it when NOT ONE member of the Scottish media (or any former player working in the mainstream press, to my knowledge) had given them the slightest chance...
An amazing effort- God bless them, every single one, on this night when men became Bhoys.
Loved that too.
'Which one of the 57 varieties will we get tonight', said Archie.
Mon the (spaghetti)hoops.
The Spaghetti Hoops- now that is good!
*thumb up*
450,000 now.
Just had another sneaky peak myself. I put a thread on celticminded about it a few nights ago. 22 replies. Not bad.
Just remembered that the mighty Scotland are sitting above France, Italy and the Ukraine at the top of their Euro group. Celtic are obviously at the top of their 2 leagues. Gretna and The Jags are sitting at the top of Div 1 and Morton are on top in Div 2. These are all my favourite teams! Weird! If Queens Park can overtake East Fife in the third, then I'm on a clean sweep. Mon the spiders! Damn it, I'm scared of spiders.
And Derry City to win the cup on Sunday? Come on the Candy Stripes!
Henke at Man U...
Mental or what!
I hope he does well, but it seems everyone in Paradise has fallen out of love with the Red Devils.
Is it because we finally played them in a competitive match?
Anyway, I bet he scores against Villa on 13th January....
I hope he scores against Villa- for the fun of it- and yet again, I resist the JPM bait- I don't remember a love affair with man Utd at Celtic Park.
If he goes back to Helsingborgs in March as planned, then he might JUST get away with this in my mind, but I feel sad that after the 'man-of-his-word' stuff, he's proved too humanly susceptible to, of all people, Alex Ferguson's allure. The idea of leaving Barcelona was to get back to Sweden, family life, let the son know he's Swedish etc- this 'lure of the Premiership' stuff, I do NOT buy.
And by the way- I hear from inside Celtic Park (!), that Larsson has never been more miserable in his life, that he was expecting to be welcomed home in Sweden as a conquering hero, it hasn't worked out that way, he hasn't been playing as much as he'd like, he's not getting on with his teammates, and so on...
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