Go here, click on MP3s, and then download 'Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder'. I may regret saying this, but this really is perfect pop- if you can listen to it without thinking of early Beatles, Byrds, Stone Roses, La's, etc etc I'll give you one hundred pounds.
The trouble is that I said the same things about the Thrills when I first heard them, and I am blushing even writing that. It turned out they were the pub band you'd hear if you popped out for a pint on your arrival at the 7th Circle of Hell. Sadly, the rest of of the Yeti songs have annoyed me sufficiently to put in this reservation while recommending the good song.
I also recommend 'Worked Up So Sexual' by The Faint as the best thing I've heard this summer (go here, click on 'Bands' at the bottom of the page, then click on 'The Faint', then go to 'Downloads' at the top of the page, then download 'Worked up So Sexual'- duh...). The Faint supported Bright Eyes on his last tour, and they were wonderful. This song could be number 1 in the charts, except I think The Faint are focused on other things in life. Also, it might not be the thing most parents would want to hear coming out of their kids' bedrooms- yes, it really is about that...
On a technical note, Anonymous posting is now disabled- that is, you have to register to post. However, everyone who is posting seems to have registered, so it might not matter too much. Also, I'll lock threads when I post a new one, so that only the two most recent threads are available for comments, which will hopefully keep comments noticeable (obviously anyone can comment on whatever they want- no need to stick to the thread).
Ha- decent needle. I'll not dignify The Bravery comparison with much comment, maybe except to reiterate that they are the most phoney band on the planet, their singer looks like Steven Thompson, and I don't see the comparison with The Faint at all.
The Queen album- I would like to hear it. I saw on CQN the other day some poster doing a kind of parody thing of Flash Gordon (Strachan)- 'Flash, I love you, but you have only have twenty three hours to save your job' etc- really funny. I think the only full Queen album I ever had was A Kind of Magic. They liked their film soundtracks.
Meg White is a fine drummer- Midlife, I get the impression you'd like a line-up along the lines of:
vocals- Anastasia
guitar- Mark Knopfler
bass- John Deacon
drums- Mel Gaynor
where I'd be happier with:
vocals- Bob Dylan
guitar- Bernard Sumner
bass- Sid Vicious
drums- Mo Tucker.
None of them virtuosos, but what a beautiful noise.
Also- where are the four guitar lines in the Yeti song? I can only hear the accoustic guitar and the 'Here Comes the Sun' bit.
My music taste always seems to be slightly out of line with others- I thought this would be a reasonably straightforward recommendation. As a result, I feel myself digging my heels in and wanting to alienate people even further, and declare it the most perfect piece of Western art since Guernica, but I'll hold back for now. Hungry Roy seemed to like it ok- TJ will be the acid test: I'm banking on him to love it.
On a technical point, does anyone know anything 'video hosting'? I rummaged about that 'Putfile' site which hosts the Nakamura montage- is it really as easy as submitting it and then linking to it?
Sorry bjd, but I sort of agree with hungryroy on your 2 tracks.
Firstly, let me declare that Yeti is a great name for a band and makes we wish I was planning to start one. Coming up with names is great fun and easy. Writing songs however, although great fun is not so easy.
I thought of 'Here Comes the Sun", "There She Goes" and Crowded House when listening to their track. I enjoyed it, but would say very good rather than great (7/10)
Did not like the other one. Not my cup of tea. Did not make it to the end. Got bored sorry! (4/10)
Listened to the free 30 secs of "Feel" which the site gave me and really enjoyed it. (7/10). Could be an 8 if I obtain the whole song.
My 'song of the summer' can be found through bjd's subpop link. Scroll down to the Fruitbats, download 'Lives of Crime' and let me know your opinion. (9/10)
Just given the Yeti song a fourth listen and it has gone up to an 8. I like the bits that remind me of Crowded House. I always sort of liked them. Liked the drums too midlife.
One more thing for now,
I've been ripping up my kitchen all morning and afternoon which has been more enjoyable than I suspected. Most of the music I've been listening to has not really fitted the task (The Number of the Beast being the one exception). What else should I be listening too? Clum I suppose this is your chance to get me to listen to those tracks where they hit the drums really hard.
Crowded House??? Oh my God. I'll accept it as an 8, though- that's what I would give it too- impressions are subjective.
The Faint song is a bit weirder, but what a song- they are a band who are genuinely doing something out of the ordinary. As a final effort to get something we all like (and it is a bit of an unlikely candidate) I recommend Bright Eyes' recent single. Click here , click on Bands, click on Bright Eyes, click on downloads, download 'Gold Mine Gutted'. It's not a particularly summery type of thing though.
The Fruitbats' song sounds good- that does sound like a lo-fi Crowded House. Quite Beatles-y too. (7)
If you go on the Sub Pop website and look for Low's song 'California', I think that would be a good soundtrack to ripping out a kitchen- if you can rip out a kitchen in 3 mins that is.
You mentioned Bjork- the second worst word you could use here apart from 'Golf'. Yellow card.
In fact, I'll rescind the yellow card for the tip-off on the BBC Collective site- I'd never heard heard of it, and it's good. However, one thing- which film is it where Paul Newman (or someone cool like that) says (something like) 'Never play cards with a man who has the same first name as a city'? I sort of have the same rule about any song with 'Blues' in its title (that is, I won't like it, not that I won't play cards with it).
If we learned anything from the Libertines, it should have been not to buy an album on the strength of one great song- Yeti emphasise the truth of this rule.
How about Noel Gallagher on bass in your band? You said you wanted a crap lead guitarist...
I may well go to annoy everyone- Midlife, have you picked your fantasy football team yet?
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